Friday, July 31, 2009

We teach them because....

My mother wrote this back in January and never published it.

Besides the core subjects, we've been studying the history of the Israelites from Genesis to Judges. Can I tell you just how much this is impacting me as a mother??? Who says the Word of God (especially the Old Testament) is not our applicable to everyday life?

So far we have seen how God sent them to Egypt to save them from starvation, He rescues them from slavery, protects them in the wilderness providing their every need for 40 years and finally they arrive at the Promised Land. Once there, they take on Jericho and yes..."the walls came tumbling down". Wow! I think to myself, what an amazing GOD! How could they not love and serve Him who is all powerful?

After they have settled into the land, the Word tells us that "another generation arose after them who did not know the LORD nor the work which He had done for Israel" (Judges 2:10b). WHAT??? I was SHOCKED! These parents failed! You see... back in Deut. 6, God instructed parents to teach the commandments to their children "diligently". Instead they entered the land and disobeyed God by not eliminating the inhabitants. Slowly they became distracted with what the "ites" had to offer (Caanites, Hittites, etc). They were no longer a nation that was "set apart". Scripture says that Gods anger toward Israel was great.

Some say that the challenges of parenting are the "rush, rush" schedules of taking them to daycare and running around trying to get to work and then the house in order, and then having to deal with homework and attitude. I beg to differ. Can I humbly remind us all that, although these are important they can distract us just as the "ites" with Israel. Parenting, TRUE parenting, is going back to the basics, Deut. 6.

If I was passionate about parenting before I read this, Oh my. I thank the Holy Spirit for His Word reminding me of the value of the work of my hands. It is very easy to become discouraged, but oh when I see can I not homeschool and "waste my life" as so many have said to me? I WILL gladly do so, in order that my children will know the ONE TRUE HOLY GOD OF ISRAEL. I will tell them of the great things He has done for me and of the promises He has made to them.

No, parenting for the Abella's is not just about how "cute" kids are, or what neat things they do, it's about instilling in the next generation, a knowledge and love for God that would be greater than our own.